Prof. Dr. Zeno Enders, Heidelberg (Principal Investigator)
Prof. Dr. Gernot Müller, Tübingen (Principal Investigator)
Christopher Zuber M.Sc., Heidelberg
In this project, we aim to contribute to the Priority Programme "Experience and Expectation: Historical Foundations of Economic Behaviour" by investigating the determinants and effects of business expectations in Germany after 1980. We will put a special focus on how institutional change and crises a) alter the way how expectations are formed, and b) impact on the pass-through of expectations into economic actions. Our principal data source is the EBDC Business Expectations Panel (BEP) of the LMU-ifo Economics & Business Data Center (EBDC) in Munich.
Enders, Zeno/Hünnekes, Franziska/Müller, Gernot J. (2019): Monetary Policy Announcements and Expectations: Evidence from German Firms. Working Papers of the Priority Programme 1859 “Experience and Expectation. Historical Foundations of Economic Behaviour” No 10 (September), Berlin
Conrad, Christian/ Enders, Zeno/ Müller, Gernot: Die EZB setzt ihre Glaubwürdigkeit aufs Spiel, in: Ökonomenstimme (16 Dec. 2021). URL:
Enders, Zeno/Kleemann, Michael/Müller, Gernot (2021). Growth Expectations, undue Optimism, and short-run Fluctuations, in: The Review of Economics and Statistics 103, 905-921.
Conrad, C., Z. Enders, and A. Glas (2022). "The Role of Information and Experience for Households' Inflation Expectations." European Economic Review, 143, 104015.
Enders, Zeno/Hünnekes, Franziska/Müller, Gernot J. ( (2022). Firm Expectations and Economic Activity, in: Journal of the European Economic Association 20, 2396-2439.
Born, Benjamin/Enders, Zeno/Müller, Gernot/Niemann, Knut (2022). Firm expectations about production and prices: Facts, determinants, and effects, in: Ruediger Bachmann, Giorgio Topa, and Wilbert van der Klaauw (eds.), Handbook of Economic Expectations (Chapter 12), Elsevier.
Born, Benjamin/Enders, Zeno/Müller, Gernot/Menkhoff, Manuel/Niemann, Knut (June 2023). Firm Expectations and News: Micro v Macro. CEPR Discussion Paper No. 17768, Working Papers of the PP 1859, No. 43.
Born, Benjamin/Dovern, Jonas/Enders, Zeno (2023). Expectation Dispersion, Uncertainty, and the Reaction to News, in: European Economic Review 154, 104440.
Work in Progress:
Roberto A. De Santis and Christopher Zuber (2021). Firm Investment During Recessions and Recoveries.