Investment, Risk and Financial Institutions
- More than a Feeling. Media Sentiment as a Mirror of Investors´ Expectations at the Berlin Stock Exchange, 1872-1930 (Manuel Burghardt, Leipzig/Mark Spoerer, Regensburg)
- Country Insurance across 200 years: the Role of Experiences and Expectations (Christoph Trebesch, Kiel)
- Belief Foundations and Waves of Optimism and Pessimism: Response to Historical Trends, Disaster Risk and Personal Experiences (Ester Faia, Frankfurt a. M.)
- The Transformation of Money. A Transatlantic History of 'Money Illusion' during the Gold Standard Era, 1870s-1920s (Sebastian Teupe, Bayreuth)
Macroeconomic Expectations and Saving
- Heterogeneity in macroeconomic expectations: the role of individual historical experiences, local conditions, and socio-economic characteristics (Christian Conrad, Heidelberg/Jonas Dovern, Erlangen-Nürnberg/Fabian Krüger, Karlsruhe)
- Exploring the experience-expectation nexus in macroeconomic forecasting using computational text analysis and machine learning (Jörg Döpke, Merseburg/Ulrich Fritsche, Hamburg/ Christian Pierdzioch, Hamburg)
- Personal Experience and Savings Behaviour (Sibylle Lehmann-Hasemeyer, Stuttgart-Hohenheim/Jochen Streb, Mannheim)
- The Anticipation of Expectations - Financial Institutions and the observation of saving behaviour in West Germany and the United States (Jan-Otmar Hesse, Bayreuth)
Public Policy and Economic Expertise
- Competition as the subject of forecasts. Forming expecations of the European Commission as a supranational regulatory authority for merger control in transnational markets, 1958-2003 (Louis Pahlow, Frankfurt a. M.)
- Expecting Limits and Limiting Expectations - Economic Expertise, Enviromental Policy and Consumption, 1970-2000 (Rüdiger Graf, Potsdam)
- Origins and Consequences of Regional Identity. Evidence from Historical Differences in Political Instability and Fragmentation among German States (Fabian Wahl, Stuttgart-Hohenheim)
- Creating Expectations (Alexander Kriwoluzky, Berlin/Moritz Schularick, Bonn)
Entrepreneurial Expectations and Economic Development
- Sky-High expectations - how politics, crisis and knowledge transfer shaped the multinational airline Air Afrique, 1961-1990 (Marie Huber, Berlin)
- "The industry of the world´s optimists." Tourism as a development strategy in Eastern Africa, 1950s-early 1990s (Dörte Lerp, Köln)
- Managing Expectations. Consultancy and Corporate Decision-Making in Germany after 1965 (Alexander Nützenadel, Berlin)
- Determinants and effects of business expectations in Germany after 1980 (Zeno Enders, Heidelberg/Gernot Müller, Tübingen)